Augusten Burroughs in Chicago

I got to meet one of my favorite authors today, which for me (as it should be for anyone) is always a big thrill.

Augusten Burroughs of Running With Scissors and Dry fame did a short reading/discussion on his new book, a memoir of his father called A Wolf at the Table. I am a short way into the new book, but it’s dark and, like the rest of his work, utterly fascinating. Highly recommended reading.

As I got there early enough, I had a chance to sit in the front row, and even got to pose the first question: ‘Do you think you’re father’s traumatic homelife with his natural parents impacted his sociopathic behavior towards you?’ I asked, to which Augusten responded, in short, that it might have spurred it on, but the man was always described as having ‘no empathy’, so most likely not. Afterwards, he signed my book and even took a picture with me.

Very cool day, I must say.

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