Page Hamilton Hearn, 1959-2008

Page Hearn

It’s with extraordinarily heavy heart I must note the passing of our friend, Page.

It’s because of Page, and his partner Steve with whom I worked with at the time, that I am with Rick. Page was very protective of his friends, and even when I was new to their circle he took me under his wing and defended me. Like the time he told a drunk acquaintance who was being a jerk on my birthday that no one messes with me, or they would have to deal with him. That was Papa Bear.

It was a very exciting time in Page’s life. He and Steve had just finished moving into their Brooklyn apartment. The four of us (Rick, Page, Steve and I) were joining friends in Disney in two weeks for gay days. Not to mention, Page had his first television speaking role, on Law and Order: SVU back on May 6, as the lead juror in the trial. New York was treating him great, and his acting career was finally getting some major notice. Not to be cliched, but it’s not really fair. But life never is.

For any who knew him here in Chicago, there will be a memorial on June 30 at City Lit Theatre on West Bryn Mawr, from 7-10pm. As Steve put it, we need to make a party and celebrate Page’s life, because knowing him he’d probably be pissed if we weren’t.

I miss you Page. Break a leg.

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