Overheard at a Jewish dinner party…

Rick and I got to enjoy an evening in Evanston at the lovely home of one of his former William Sonoma coworkers, Ann.

Things were off to an interesting start when we arrived and were greeted by Ann’s husband, Sidney, giving everyone the low down on their excitement of the day: the local winos broke into their screened in porch and stole three bottles of red that were for the party! The police had actually just left before everyone started arriving, noting that no suspects were in custody, but they were pretty sure they knew who stole it.

It was the dinner conversation that was just had me in stitches. Just a few highlights…

-When Rick was telling people about how we refinished the old built in that he had rescued from the neighbor’s dumpster, one of the men looked at us and said, “I take it you’re not Jewish, are you?”.

-Same man was sharing about how his wife was going to rabbi for Judaism conversion classes, and during one session, expressed her concern she was anti-Semitic. “How do you mean?” the rabbi asked.             ‘Well, I just get so hateful when I’m shopping at Sunset Grocery (in Highland Park, a very affluent and predominately Jewish neighborhood), and those women just are so rude and cut in front of me.”                     The rabbi nods, pauses for a moment, and replied, ‘Well, then, I guess that makes me Anti-Semitic too.’

-I was taking about photo enlargements, and suddenly one of the men said, “Enlargements? I get messages about enlargements almost daily! Pumps, pills, you name it, it all about enlargement.’ Yes folks, I swear, we took a wild left and detoured to a conversation about penis enlargement spam messages.

-When I mentioned that the wild conversation was going to be the highlight of my next blog post, everyone laughed, and someone gave me the title for this post: “You can call it, ‘Things I heard at the Jewish dinner party’!”

It’s all true… every word.

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