Wasted away another post season in Wrigleyville

You know, frankly I half expected them to exceed my expectations and actually pull it off this year, but once again the Chicago Cubs have blown it.

In a season where they reigned in first place the entire time, and a World Series advance was practically handed to them on a silver platter, Lou Pinella and the Cubs went out with a mere whimper to the LA Dodgers in three games, as their fate was sealed last night with a 3-1 loss. Congrats to the Dodgers, their first post season in 20 years.

And to the Cubs, now at 101 years since their won a World Series, and to the fans,  it’s time to give up the ghost, fire Lou Pinella, burn Wrigley to the ground, salt the earth, and turn your attention to the Sox, who at least won a World Series in this century. I mean really, how much more can a fan take? I even saw Ronnie Woo-Woo the other day on the Grandville train platform, and his ‘Let’s play ball’ reply to my calling out his name even seemed half-hearted. He knew. Even the woman in the grocery store talking to her friend knew after game one. Come on folks, why keep holding out for something that will never happen? There is faith, and then there is folly, and after tossing away a record season to Los Angeles, fandom for the Cubs is sheer folly anymore.

Or you can complain life isn’t fair like John McCain and say, ‘there’s always next year.’ And if that’s the case, then the only fool is yourself for chanting that ridiculous mantra for the past 100 years. If and when the Cubs prove me wrong, then can you call me out on this.

Otherwise, make like a Cub and suck it.

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