Karma is a bitch, ain't it Sox fans?

As I watched the news on Sunday, I saw that The Chicago White Sox won their game, and were still in playoffs. Good for them. After all, after the Cubs blew it, the city could use a little good news.

Then I saw how some Sox fans jeered the Cubs, making obnoxious comments about their loss. “How did the Cubs do on their game today? Oh That’s right!’ some fat assed south side Joe was blabbing to ABC news as they covered the Sox victory. It burnt me a bit, because when one team is down, it’s not sportsman like to talk trash about their foibles. Okay, so it happens, but I guess I expected a bit more from the hometown crew. If the tables were turned, I’d hope Cub’s fans wouldn’t be as obnoxious and go and diss the Sox. Frankly I think Cub’s fans would be too consumed at the fact that the Cubs were winning to trash the Sox.

But two days later, and it’s all over. The Sox went down to Florida and pulled a Cubbie move, they lost 6-2. Playoffs for Chicago baseball is over for 2008, from the north to the south side.

All I can say is that trash talk you Sox fans were throwing around Sunday night? Karma. In. Spades.

Suck it Sox fans, and welcome to the pity party.

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