Their ignorance is inexcusable

For those who have not seen this load of shit for my home state, enjoy the trainwreck.

This is simply appalling. I want to feel embarrassed for these people, for not only being so moronic to believe what they are saying, but for being for damn gullible to believe it in the first place. More than anything, I’m just pissed off that they are this stupid. I just want to take a baseball bat to their heads, and begin to pummel them, but it sounds like they’ve already been knocked senseless. Because only a complete imbecile would suggest that Obama is a terrorist.

And you know who these people are, too. These are those people who think Bat Boy really exists, Harry Potter is satanic and that you can truly win $1000 from Microsoft for forwarding an email.

Then again, they are from my home state, so it’s to be expected to an extent. After all, PA has given us Rick Santorum, and this kind of thinking isn’t far a cry from his.

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