To quote Shirley Manson, 'A Stupid Girl…'

Ahh, the joys of online surfing and Facebook!

Quite a few blogs back, I mentioned the idiot associate of mine who felt compelled to quit on no notice because, well, I had her on final written warning for poor attendance, bad attitude, no availability, etc.  She was a waste of space, and customers rejoiced when she finally left. Sadly, the girl didn’t realize that by quitting instead of letting me laying her off (cutting her back to no hours), she would fail to be considered for unemployment. No, she thought she was getting the upper hand, that she was putting the screws to me.


Well, today as I scanned Facebook, one of my photo cronies happens to be ‘friends’ with her. Probably because she berated him into it… either that or, knowing him, he felt he could make fun of her more with unlimited access to ammunition. In either case, out of curiosity I thought I check out her site.

Oh, wow.

To quote Barney from ‘How I met Your Mother’, wait for it…

In her ‘About Me’ section, she rambled on about her life, which led into what I must say a near libelous account of me. Curious as well? Well, here it is:

There are so many things to know about me……A lot has changed since most of you knew me in highschool……I live in Chicago, My favorite food is Pizza from Golden Crust…..I spend a lot of my time playing Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion on the 360 that i bought my fiance for his birthday…..i spend most of time at work, but thats going to change because my manager and my district manager are assholes!(Fire me already bitches cause i’m not fucking quitting!!!) They want me gone, but have no reason to fire me so they are cutting back my hours trying to get rid of me! stupid fucking cunts!

Mind you, she quit in September.

Now, normally I would be extraordinarily pissed about these slanderous comments.Instead this gave me the best laugh I’ve had in eons. I mean, doubled over near tears in laughter.

Why am I not pissed, you ask? Well, any sane person with a fraction of common sense wouldn’t be. But I’m not because 1) they (these comments) are so not true… if anything, i’m a dick, not a cunt, and 2) I am not the stupid fucking cunt who marked herself for the whole world to see as a complete imbecile on Facebook. Oh, and 3) the line about spending most of her time at work? Umm, that would require you to a) show upon time, b) not call off, and c) actually do something that consituted the word ‘work’.

Doubled. over. in. laughter.

The best part? This find falls nearly 3 days after she had the NERVE to show up in the store with a gift of said photo pal, with her friends and family in tow. Color me crazy, but you wouldn’t see me walking my entourage back into a place that caused me so much torment, but that’s just me. Any way, the icing was when she said, in what I have to believe was a true moment of kindness (or sheer angst-y jealousy), “Wow, the store looks good, Jon.’

I usually take a compliment for what it was, but in this case, I secretly hoped it made her choke on her own Cheetos breathe.

Anywho, thought some of you might enjoy what a partisan person thinks of me.

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