Public Enemy #1?

I don’t know whether to be flattered, insulted or simply amazed at people’s stupidity.

Once again the HRC comes through with a great news blurb update that has a quote from Utah Senator Chris Buttars stating that gays, not the economic crisis or Osama Bin Ladin, are ‘America’s greatest threat today‘. He goes on to say that he ‘doesn’t care’ if people get mad at him for saying it.

Once again, the case of a stupid person making an uneducated and ignorant observation that has no value or merit. And not apologizing for being stupid and ignorant… well I’ll give it to him there, at least he’s not denying he’s an asshole.

He is, after all, from Utah.


Speaking of senators who paint their constituants in a bad light, Mr. Junior Asshat from Illinois appointed by Blago,  Roland Burris, needs to stop changing his story and just step down. Did he lie under oath? Perhaps, but more importantly no matter what he says now, I can’t believe a word he’s saying.

At least Chris Brown and Michael Phelps own up when they were caught, Mr. Burris needs to do the same.

This shit is Bananas. I die painfully.

In the news on Friday, I read this line item about celeb stylist/ Bravo reality show tool Rachel Zoe. I don’t watch her show, but evidently she has two catch phrases, ‘I Die’ and ‘Bananas’. And according to New York Magazine, they are trademarked.

How can you trademark words or phrases people use every day? She wasn’t the first person to say these, was she? And how can a word like ‘Bananas’ be trademarked by some half baked neurotic Hollywood wannabe? I would think Chiquita or Dole would have that word trademarked first.

Forget I die. How about kill me please?

Put that in your smoke and pipe it

The Michael Phelps marijuana scandal is the latest controversy to hit the news outlets. In case you live under a rock, Phelps was at a college party last fall, after he won the 9 golds in Beijing, and he did indeed inhale.

Oh no! We must protect our children from this threat!!!

*cough*  Uhhh, sorry, where was I…

What is sad about this is he’s not the first kid with instant fame that has done something of the sort, nor will he be the last. Yes, thousands look up to him, and as a role model, he shouldn’t have been so stupid. Really Mike, smoke in the privacy of your own home, not at a party where any college stoner can snap a pic of you on their iPhone and sell it to the British tabs. Think, boy!

Meanwhile, the fall out has been, to say the least, a little steep. First Kelloggs dumps him. Hey, you’ve stuck by Tony the Tiger alll this time, what’s the deal? Now the USA Swimming associate has suspended him for three months. Umm, this didn’t even occur during competition season, and it happened three months ago. But they want to set an example. So the kids know that drugs are bad and you should just say no.

Boy, how punishments are doled out these days are so inconsistent. Too bad they didn’t ‘suspend’ Bush for three months when his marijuana… and cocaine… and alcoholism came to light. More to the point,  it’s pot. Just some pot. A drug which should be legalized for the economic benefits alone (think about it, if Gay Marriage and Pot were legal, there probably wouldn’t be this recession… but nobody listens to me…). At least it wasn’t heroin, like with the guy who called 911 but told them to hold on while he scored. See, that’s a drug that just makes people do stupid things.

With all the publicity, pressure and whatnot around him, I’m not surprised that he felt like he needed to rebel and live on the edge a bit. I sure as hell would have if I were him. At least he owns up to it. Okay, his publicist has not exactly confirmed it, but what are you going to say, the picture lies, the pipe wasn’t loaded? I’d buy it.

Then there’s a small faction that say that Phelps is getting off because he’s white, unlike the likes of Michael Vick or Tank Johnson.  Umm, well, no, that’s like comparing the flu to the ebola virus. Phelps took a toke. The othere two were probably smoking it up between machine gun training and dog fights. The race card is so 1960, get over it.

Sadly, though, like Vick and Johnson, Phelps is a public sports figure, and is getting the full gamut of punishment. It just goes to show that when you make a mistake these days, be prepared to be made an example of.