Are we human, or are we doormats?

As I read my friend Alan’s blog about inconsiderate customers, I have to take a moment to share the self-entitled fuckwad who graced my store today.

The guy came in shortly before three to place his print order, and it was due at 5pm. I had plenty of time to get it completed, but since I was trying to get caught up on an order that mysteriously was deleted, thus requiring me to rescan in several hundred slides, I lost a bit of focus.

So at 5 when he waltzed back in, he opened the order and scoffed, ‘uh, I came here to get professional work, where are the borders I ordered on these prints?’  I had overlooked a detail, and immediately apologized, and said it would be only a few minutes. As I started scanning the order through again, I realized I had the wrong paper finish in the printer… so I had to start all over again for a third time. It was frustrating, but I wanted to make the guy happy.

Which evidentally was impossible since he reveled in every foible of my error.

You know, we’re human, and people make small errors, and yes I made a mistake and while the order was missing a small white border, it was done on time and with a professional quality. Yet this asshole, instead of being understanding, appreciative that I accepted my error and was  stopping everything to fix it,  or at least willing to work with me, started off by saying, ‘So, am I getting all of these for free?’  So I offered to discounted them, but still he persisted, saying, ‘So that’s all I get? I wanted something done in a timely manner, and that’s it?’ Then he proceeded to make other snarky comments, like, ‘If this was a REAL camera store, you would have film  and supplies for REAL photographers,’  made simply because we did not carry a certain type of black and white film.  He basically insinuated that digital photographers weren’t real photographers.

Over the next several minutes, he continued to insulted me, my staff (“Who’s training who there? Wow, are we having an off day? I was expecteing better service here!”) and then had the nerve to state, ‘Uh, I’m illegally parked outside, can you hurry ringing this up?’ My one sales asssociate Karl, who rocks, finally put the guy in his place, and retorted: ‘Sorry, your illegal parking issue is not my problem.’ Rightly so!

Our night ended with a similar incident. We were closed, doors locked, lights out, and finishing counting the drawers. A girl walked up to the door, and started waving at us. You know, for our safety, after we close and the drawers are being counted, we can’t answer the door. Besides, it was 7:25pm, and the sign in clear sight stated we closed at 7PM. I shook my head, said sorry we’re closed, and started to go back to counting.

The girl the up her hands, stormed back to the car waiting on her, and then a moment later a man started approaching the door. I decided to go intercept, and the guy and girl wanted to buy a camera for a class at Northwestern University… tomorrow morning. Gee, a little late to be showing up to get it now, right? I’m sure you knew you needed it before, oh, let’s say, 30 minutes ago? Needless to say we didn’t even carry what they needed, but the girl’s whole attitude… put off like she was wronged because we were closed, it was MY fault… ARRRRGH! As Karl put’s it, ‘A lack of preparation on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.’

It just pisses me off that some self entitled git thinks that because people work in the retail and service indusrty immediately elevates him or her to God like status. Yes, the customer is why we are in business, but that does not give someone carte blanche to demean, act rude and ignorant towards another human being. People like this need to shut the fuck up.

I mean, let’s turn the tables: How the hell would YOU feel if I walked up to your house at 10:30 at night, storm in and say, “I’m here, I’m a guest, wait on me… What do you mena you’re in bed, I’m what’s important!!” Extreme example, perhaps, but this is exactly how these people act.

This self entitled air bullshit needs to end. Consideration, folks, will get you further. Come on, you don’t want to piss off the McDonald’s employee, lest they spit in your burger? Why treat anyone else in service like that? We are human too. And karma is one hell of a bitch to be messing with right now, don’t you think?

Reason #1023 of why I love Radiohead so much…

And once again, reasons why Miley Cyrus and Kanye West should pick up the clue phone and realize they are not entitled to anything. Except for  a lesson in humility.

Short story- at the Grammy’s last month, where Radiohead rocked the house, Miley and Kanye claim to have been snubbed by the band. Miss Hanna Montana supposedly begged to meet ‘her people’, but a polite ‘We don’t do that’ was her answer. Diss!! Put that in your wig and stuff it.

But get this, according to a recent news blurb, Miss Cyrus went on a radio show and threatened to ‘ruin’ them for this.

Excuse me for a second…..


Sorry about that.  I’m back.

Radiohead’s final word?  The best: “When Miley grows up, she’ll learn not to have such a sense of entitlement.”

Love. It. So. Much.

And to those who have the thought that Radiohead needs to be nicer to their fans, here’s this note: Radiohead has been around longer than Miss Cyrus has been a thought, and are very appreciative to their fans, just not celeb bullshit. Why do you think they have bucked the recording indusrty at every turn?

And then, my favorite ego to hate, Kanye, rambled on a bit about being dissed as well.  This one needs to get a lesson in shutting up when the shutting is good. Hasn’t he already made enough of a derided ass of himself this week? Oh just in case you need any proof and a great laugh, here’ exhibit A-Z:

While I really can’t say that American Idol is a standard of what is good in the music indusrty (except for Kelly Clarkson- love her!), I can tell you that anything is better than this. Honestly, if Kanye had been a contestant, he would have never made it to Hollywood.

That would have made for a great clip, watching Simon deride him, but I digress.

In the end, it’s a piss poor example of singing, a mediocre one of performance, and a grade A example of shilling for ratings.

Name changes, remakes…is nothing sacred?

Two things caught my attention today…

First, the news that they are planning to change the name of the Sears Tower to the Willis Tower. Um, I really don’t give a fuck about some British company coming over and taking up a good portion of the building’s leases, but must they try and change the name? I mean, who expects this to stick and catch on? I know people who still call Macy’s by the old Marshall Fields name, and that happened almost three years ago. It’s almost laughable.

What might not be, and perhaps is the REAL motivation for this, is US television’s insistence to try and to adopt British sitcoms for our shores. So the Office works here, but did you watch the remake of Coupling? Terrible. And that Kath and Kim show… okay, it’s Australian, but close enough…But now, they are filming a pilot remake of, wait for it… Absolutely Fabulous! I know, blasphemy!

I’m willing to watch it and see, but really, who can ever match up to the original Eddie and Patsy?