Reason #1023 of why I love Radiohead so much…

And once again, reasons why Miley Cyrus and Kanye West should pick up the clue phone and realize they are not entitled to anything. Except for  a lesson in humility.

Short story- at the Grammy’s last month, where Radiohead rocked the house, Miley and Kanye claim to have been snubbed by the band. Miss Hanna Montana supposedly begged to meet ‘her people’, but a polite ‘We don’t do that’ was her answer. Diss!! Put that in your wig and stuff it.

But get this, according to a recent news blurb, Miss Cyrus went on a radio show and threatened to ‘ruin’ them for this.

Excuse me for a second…..


Sorry about that.  I’m back.

Radiohead’s final word?  The best: “When Miley grows up, she’ll learn not to have such a sense of entitlement.”

Love. It. So. Much.

And to those who have the thought that Radiohead needs to be nicer to their fans, here’s this note: Radiohead has been around longer than Miss Cyrus has been a thought, and are very appreciative to their fans, just not celeb bullshit. Why do you think they have bucked the recording indusrty at every turn?

And then, my favorite ego to hate, Kanye, rambled on a bit about being dissed as well.  This one needs to get a lesson in shutting up when the shutting is good. Hasn’t he already made enough of a derided ass of himself this week? Oh just in case you need any proof and a great laugh, here’ exhibit A-Z:

While I really can’t say that American Idol is a standard of what is good in the music indusrty (except for Kelly Clarkson- love her!), I can tell you that anything is better than this. Honestly, if Kanye had been a contestant, he would have never made it to Hollywood.

That would have made for a great clip, watching Simon deride him, but I digress.

In the end, it’s a piss poor example of singing, a mediocre one of performance, and a grade A example of shilling for ratings.

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