Why stupid people should not have credit cards

My apologies to those of you looking for a rant, I’ve been very wrapped up in work and such as of late I haven’t had a breather. Not much has been happening that has aggravated me too terribly. It gives me hope for the human race. But, oh, oops, wait a minute, then I have a gem fall in my lap. At work. It involves a very sad woman, a credit card, and a long period of ignorance. Fun, right?

Okay, the details about this woman and her card. She calls me at the store, complaining that after she opened a line of credit with me at my store back in August 1 of last year, she noticed that she had a second charge of approximately $1200 that appeared on August 11th. Of 2008.  Long story short, it’s now an issue that has gone to collections,  basically because she ignored it and didn’t resolve on her own because the card company never sent her the paperwork they said they were going to. So a year has gone by, and she wants me to call the card company to clear it up, and I should bend over backwards to help her get out of this mess. Because I’m responsible for cleaning up the messes in her life.

First of all, I would NEVER let an issue with a credit card go on for a year. Any rational person would never let this go on for a year.  A year on my credit card? A mark against my credit report? Yeah, right.  I would hate it going on for more than a month. I would have been all over the card company’s shit about getting me the paperwork and pronto. Registered mail, if need be. But this genius ‘forgot about it’-yes, she let it ‘slip her mind’- and now wants me to solve it for her. I should have hung up right there and said, oops, we were talking? Must have slipped my mind. Because that kind of excuse would fly, right?

But I didn’t disconnect, well, since I have to act nice towards her. So I start to tell her that considering the card company will not give me her personal credit card information, you know, since I may be accused of identity theft or something, I really don’t see how me getting involved will help. She then makes the insinuation that since the card had never left her wallet or anything, maybe someone like me or at the store used the card and rang the fraudulent charge. So first it’s help me, but let me accuse you of being the bad guy too? Way to endear yourself to me. Should have hung up when I had the urge.

But being Mr. Nice Guy, I decide to try to help her. One, because it isthe polite thing to do, but also so I could feel superior to her and then tell her what she needed to do to fix this mess that should have never gone on for A YEAR.  Well she involved me, didn’t she?

I make two calls. First to the credit card company, which besides the minimal basics, don’t give me any more info than what she gave me, and other than her calling customer service and contesting it herself, not much I can do. Then I call my customer service department, and find out that the second charge was made in another state at a store that is now closed, and most likely they opened a new account there and probably miskeyed the number, so surprise my lady gets the charge and someone else gets a really expensive item- for free. He tells me what I knew all along: she needs to handle this herself. So I called her back to give her the update: call the credit card company yourself, do NOT stop calling until you get the paperwork you need to resolve this, and clean up your own mess. And sorry, that’s all I can do.

But really, the whole point of this is ask the question, if you don’t have the sense enough to try and take the initiative to fix your own issues, what business do you have to call someone else and do it? Especially after such a prolonged period of time. I’m sorry, but she let this fester for A YEAR, for  crying out loud.

Stupid stupid girl.