Sequel spasms

As I read the headlines at this morning, all I could think was, ‘Ugggh.’

To wit:
-Sly Stallone is developing a 5th Rambo movie. Did anyone care after the second one? Did he not learn from Rocky sequels? Is he such a meat head that he’s painted himself into a corner and when he dies, will only be remembered as Rocky, Rambo… and the guy who starred in ‘Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot!’ ?
-The Rob Zombie reboot of the ‘Halloween’ series, which got spanked by another sequel at the box office this weekend, is going 3D for the next film. Because the Final Destination film that spanked it this weekend was in 3D. Gee, is that why it won? I thought it was because, oh, I don’t know, we saw Jamie Lee Curtis do the Michael Myers thing so much better nearly 30 years ago?! Why not skip the 3D, and just have Michael Myers kill Rush Limbaugh and Dick Cheney in a haunted house, and broadcast that? Now THAT I would pay to see…
-Bad Boys 3 is in the works… okay, what did Martin Lawrence do this time that he needs to pay for? Why subject us to him and Will Smith again, and just have Martin do another Big Momma’s House film. Wow, I suggested that? Scratch that…let’s just collect donations for the Save Martin Lawrence from doing Stupid Things campaign so we don’t have to be subjected.
-Twilight: New Moon comes out November 20th, but they are already showing pics from the third film… zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
– DJ AM nearly died this weekend… Oh, wait, he actually died this weekend.
Sorry, that sounded a bit crass, it’s actually really sad that he loss his fight with drug addiction. Even worse, the summer of death continues. Michael, Farrah, Teddy, Bea, Karl, my friend Billy, and so many more.

Now this is a sequel that I wish really would stop.

One thought on “Sequel spasms

  1. I read last night that they are remaking…

    wait for it…

    Escape from New York.

    Please. Make it stop. As a video store employee, I see a LOT of the rehashed, remashed, regurgitated “I loved this when I was 12 and want to interpret it MY way” offerings that are stagnating the industry and insulting everything that’s come before. That and unnecessary sequels, which are a whole ‘nother rant altogether.

    I implore you, Hollywood–if you can’t make something original, don’t make anything at all.

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