
It’s been a long time. I think I need to spew out what i’ve been holding in. Just some random excerpts and thoughts that have crossed my mind recently; mind you, they have never been uttered publicly. Well, okay, just a few haven’t been. See if you too can play along and follow the stream of this consciousness:

“Clipping your nails on the train is so cultured of you.”

“No really, I love it when you play Schoolboy Q at top volume on your headphones next to me on the train. Oh how did I know who it was? I Shazam’d it.”

Girl, your weave looks like you’re trying to be Thulsa Doom. No. That’s not a compliment.”

“You hair looks like a basket of brown and yellow yarn that some cat played with and got all tangled up. No honey, that’s not a compliment, either.”

“When I go to the bar Friday evening at 5 PM for happy hour to enjoy my adult beverage, naturally I am thrilled when you bring your children in to the bar. Just like in the Appalachians.”

“Fucking Polar Vortex continues to leave it’s mark… and it’s August. I mean, every other woman is pregnant. Is playing Cards Against humanity not enough for you breeders during the winter months?”

“Pull your goddamn pants up! You know that means you want to be prison fucked. No, I am NOT interested.”

“Ten reasons I’m glad there is a hand gun waiting period: 1. John Boehner, 2. Sarah Palin ( I mean, does she never go away?), 3. Michelle Bachmann (You’re still around?), 4. Justin Bieber, 5. People who are cruel to puppies and other animals, 6. Kanye and Kim, 7. That guy who refuses to pick up his dog’s shit and leaves it in my front walkway garden, 8. Rick Perry, 9. Ann Coulter (bitch is crazy), and 10. ignorant dumbass people.”

“Ah, Lollapalooza weekend: when your suburban sons and daughters invade downtown and insist on acting like douchebags. That, and how they dress: the crop top belly shirt has made it’s great return! And your son- yes, yours- was wearing blue Hawaiian flower shorts, a navy mesh (!) sleeveless tank, and Pharrell’s fucking hat! The horror! He’s just asking to get his ass kicked.”


yeah. That feels better.






Cry babies

I cannot be the only person in the world that wonders how members of Congress are able to continually get reelected when all they do is pose, posture and do jack shit. In the past few weeks we’ve all been victims of the lame duck sessions. In DC, we went over the fiscal cliff because they couldn’t get their act together. Even here in Illinois, Springfield’s last sessions ended in a meh, with new gun laws and gay marriage bills failing to even get an acknowledgement.

Must be nice to get paid while people’s lives and livelihood hangs in the balance. ‘Ah who cares about the constituents, it’s the end of the session, we’ll look at it in a few months.’ Exaggerated, perhaps  but this can’t be far off from the mind set of our elected officials. I mean look at how they act.

Case in point: Speaker of the House, John Boehner.

First of all, the man looks perpetually constipated. I was in fact surprised when I hear his voice, as I half expected it to sound like Chris Cornell from Soundgarden.

Then there’s the way he talks and acts. I mean, just the other day he told Harry Reid to ‘Go Fuck Yourself.’  Today, he was quoted as saying he’s done with negotiating with President Obama one on one. Quite mature behavior.

And he cries. A lot. In public.

And yet he was just reelected Speaker of the House, again. Support was less than enthusiastic, but he scraped by. I guess this is how things work in politics. Be an ass and do things half-assed, and hey! You’re hired!

I don’t know about you, but if I looked pissed off all the time, told my coworker to go fuck himself and refused to speak with my boss, then burst into tears at the drop of a hat, I really don’t think I’d have a job.

Please let me know if ‘pulling a Boehner’ works at your job. Until then, I think I’ll try to get things done the old fashion way: compromise, team work and elbow grease.





The art of hate

The art of hate

A friend of mine on Facebook posted a call to arms on an image today. A group called Weda People LLC posted on their FB page a drawing , similar to Obama’s Hope poster, but depicting him being lynched, with the verbatim and grammatically incorrect comment, “hehehe string the basturd up from a tree”.

My friend has a page where he shares Pop culture images, and it’s skewed towards the homosexual population. It’s a quirky, retro, cheeky page. In the past week he had been threatened by FB for posting semi nude images of men, nothing full frontal mind you but  leaving a bit to the imagination. They threatened to kick him off Facebook for these images.  And yet today, because the  above image is offensive and incites hate, he reported this image… and was subsequently told, eh, nothing we can do about it.

And I know many people out there are saying, well it’s freedom of speech, a first amendment right, nothing can be done. They can do it.

But at what point does the first amendment blur into inciting hate and threatening the President’s life?

I am appalled at this art. It took a pop culture image of Obama asking for Hope., and turned into a Jim Crow propaganda image for the new millennium. So I guess we haven’t evolved as much as we would like to think. And it endorses the lynching of our Commander in Chief. I don’t care who you are, Republican or Green, Muslim or Christian, but hate is blatant hate. I can hear the outcry if this was an image showing W in a similar setting. Yes the political comics that are posted on a daily basis are quite partisan, but come no where close to out right hate.  And I do not seeing the Washington Post, or the New York Times, or any reputable publication running this in their op/ed section of their periodical.

But this got high profile release on Facebook. And suddenly I’m wondering has the social network become the social hate network. To believe in this is one thing. I still think you are despicable and need serious assistance. But to share and endorse murder, a hate crime, makes me wonder. Have we devolved so far? Are we so divided that a new civil war isn’t just some red neck judge making an observation, but a reality? Hey I joked that Arizona (with the most anti-woman woman politician ever), Texas, Utah and those wonderful anti immigrant gardeners of Alabama would make a great new United States of White Trash Bigot Red Necks.

Part of me is beginning to wonder if it’s not so far fetched image of the future to be.


note: I updated this post in January 2013

And today in Healthcare news…

The Supreme Court today upheld the central mandate of the Affordable Healthcare Act, aka Obamacare, making it mandatory that a person has health insurance. For millions of people with preexisting conditions who currently cannot get covered by an insurance company to literally save their life, this is a godsend. It also will make prescriptions less expensive for seniors, and their are tax benefits for small business should they chose to provide coverage for their employees. It’s a move towards a socialized healthcare system that works for many countries around the world, and will lower costs.

Not everyone, naturally, is thrilled with this.

The Republican and Tea Party people are absolutely appalled. Well, at first they weren’t. All the GOP tweets about letting freedom ring and the law has been struck down… oh wait, what’s that you say? To quote Rick Perry, ‘Oops.’ Delete. Meanwhile, Mitt Romney has already vowed to repeal it the first day he gets into office, which would happen if we live in the Twilight Zone. Admit it, you just shuddered at the thought. Michelle Bachmann and Rick Perry both tried to say something intelligent but, oh yeah, no one cares about them anymore. John Boehner looked like he wanted to cry in even picture taken of him today. Oh, and Rush Limbaugh vows to leave the country; on a related note, hundreds of people began taking up a collection for his going away party and travel expenses, with volunteers to pack his suitcases fighting for the coveted roll.

Then there are the common Facebookers, my apologies, newly minted Constitutional scholars, who also vow angrily to leave and move to Canada, now disgusted at how socialized the US has become. Because, as everyone knows, Canada doesn’t have anything remotely like a universal healthcare system, right? My first thought is, who says Canada even wants you anyway?

I guess you can’t please everyone. So okay, good luck. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. And don’t you come back now, ya hear?

The Oreo that broke the camel's back

Last night Oreo posted this picture on their Facebook feed.

It’s been sometime since I’ve posted on here, and leave it to some dumb ass comments about Oreos to get me rolling again.

In case you don’t live on Facebook like some people do,  the Oreos page posted the above picture and message this week in time for many Gay Pride celbrations going on all over the country. It’s a simple, nice sentiment: celebrate love.

The posts that came shortly afterwards, however, are proof that ignorance prevails:

And here are some of the comments:

These are only a few gems. You can see a whole lot more at this link here, or on the Oreo FB page. It appalls me that people are so mind numbingly stupid about things. It makes me glad that the law in Chicago regarding handguns is so strict, because you would not want me to have one or I might go on a little spring cleaning. Just saying.

But I’m gutted over this for a few reasons. First of all, you boycott a company for supporting unity and love in the world? WTF? So obviously you not only hate cookies, but now you declare your bias towards people who are different from you. That’s so genius! Then comes the comments. ‘Gays need to leave America, or my favorite, ‘it should be a crime’ to be gay. Well, I guess that’s better than putting us all behind an electric fence and burning us alive. Because, after all, this is the 1500’s and it’s the Inquisition. Wait, someone did suggest that we should all be sequestered to an island somewhere and ‘share aids together!’ , so I guess that is similar. Why not go further…make like the Salem witch trials and see which of us drown and which of us sink? Or bringing back the guillotine as corporeal punishment for the drag queens? ‘Let them eat Oreos’, I can hear them cry, as they drag us off to the dungeons before we are drawn and quartered.

I mean, what century is this?

But the best part are the religious comments: It’s a sin. God says homosexuals are evil. Die faggots, burn in hell. The Bible says you should be stoned, go to hell, burn, blah blah blah. Gee if I wanted to hear that talk I could call my Uncle Mike or my brother Matt, I’m sure they would be more than willing to share their feelings on the subject. Which, of course, is completely wrong. The Bible is how old? And statement in that book taken verbatim today, well then let’s line up Bristol Palin, John Edwards and a chorus of other people who are not gay but have sinned because, you know, we would stone them too. Or cut their tongue out. Because that’s completely rational. Not only that, but no where in the 10 commandments or the beatitudes does it say ‘thous shall condemn and kill homosexuals.’ I looked, not there.  And unless you just got off the phone with God or received a tweet from him, just shut the fuck up. No one can truly say ‘I know God says, believes or means’ whatever. Because you don’t. And if you have had a conversation with him, I think it would be more along the lines of, why can’t you people all just get along? And just shut up or I will have to send the plague to wipe your stupid asses out.

It’s been a tenuous year around the rights of gay marriage and gay rights, and I am seeing more and more the derisiveness and hatred that people are spilling into the everyday. It’s no longer live and let live, it’s die. And I’m particularly disappointed in the southern black religious group who recently declared that our fight is not one of civil rights, because instead of being supportive and unified, they segregated us… ironically, much like they had been more than 40 years ago. But then, this…to see people get inflamed, spew hatred and ignorance, because one of the most beloved cookies ever takes a picture of it’s likeness, and put a rainbow of layers in between the caps, just to show their support of the community. For me, it’s become a tipping point, to say the least.

Maybe the gay community needs to strike back. I watched a show just this past Sunday morning about the Stonewall riots in 1969, when homosexuality was illegal. We were being killed in the streets, had to live behind closed doors. And we finally rose up and got angry and struck back. Well, 43 years later, I’m wondering if it isn’t time for the community to run riot again. We’ve gone from having a difference of opinions to outright hatred and vitriol. I’m tired of it. So maybe we need to start taking a more aggressive stance against the attacks. I know I will be. Because I’m done. I don’t want to live in this kind of world anymore. I’m going to fight to see some change.

And I’ll be armed with Oreos.

The infection of hate

As Gay Pride day wraps up nationwide, I looked at the online media reports regarding the parades. What saddens me is the spew of hatred and religious dogmatic vomit that people felt inspired to post in response to a day that is designed to represent a movement towards equality.
These days, the hatred seems to spring from all directions, and place the blame of this ‘corruption of morals’ and ‘liberal machinations’. One guy on Yahoo! went as far to say that a day of family is ruined by seeing two gay people holding hands and kissing.
Amazing stuff.
What does this all do? it just causes an infection of hate to spread. What happened to love your fellow man? It seems in our post 9/11 world we have only learned that hate is the best way to treat people from different walks of life, sexual preference, race and religion. Culture is training people to hate Muslims, blame ‘queers’ for pedophilia and accuse a black President of being a socialist.
It’s disgusting. And unfortunately no going anywhere soon.
People often wonder why I can’t keep my mouth shut when I feel angered or annoyed by the stupidity and hatred of others. It’s because I’m tired of being treated as a pariah, as the one who doesn’t have his head on straight. I don’t hate people… I hate their ignorance. I hate that they misuse religion or politics to further an agenda that is hateful towards other humans. It’s encouraging rage and destruction. What I do here isn’t destructive, it’s voicing my opinion. And the argument can be made that these other people have a right to their opinion, but I have to ask, when an opinion is so vicious and driven by violence, is it a right or freedom? Or is it just dangerous?
For example, Innocent Bystander, a Yahoo! member since: 06/19/2010, posted this online:
now that these gay freaks are in one place
this would be the perfect time to nuke them
and wipe the off the face of the earth
the less we see their pervert face
the better for humanity

This kind of commentary and language only furthers an agenda of hate, and pretty much insinuates murder as a solution. Genocide. How nice. How far we have evolved in the past 70 years.
I get so angry, and I really want to hate this person. But obviously they are too stupid to realize that they just condemned a group of people that may include a friend, a teacher or a relative. They are so insecure and ignorant that they have to feel superior by tearing someone else down.
The saddest thing is that most people feel this way about one group or another, and if everyone had their wish come true, no one would be left standing.

Something not to be subjected to.

This morning I received one of those automated phone surveys asking me several questions, all of them directly linked to the Republican candidate for Illinois governor, Bill Brady.

It’s my day off, and I don’t have anything better to do at the moment, so let me take a few minutes to answer it. Why not? And I’m glad I did.

The first few questions were around whether I supported the reasoning for high school students and their parents to choose what school to go to rather than be subjected to violence and danger in their neighborhood. With all of thew violence against Chicago Public students in the past few years, I feel that if parents can afford it or have a choice, why not? If the kids are serious about education and it’s the neighborhood issue, why not let them go somewhere else? I don’t encourage letting the violence infect other schools and neighborhoods, but if they want to learn, they should have that opportunity.

The next few questions started taking a slant towards differentiating between Democratic candidate Pat Quinn and Mr. Brady. Do I support the raising of taxes that Mr. Quinn has seemingly endorsed? No, especially in a city with the highest tax rate in the country. Between income, sales and property taxes, I feel like I give half of my money to the state of Illinois as it is. So no, I don’t want my taxes increased.

But the questions that followed, which continued along a similar vein, gave me cause for alarm. Do I support a bill being introduced by some Pastor guy allowing for kids to be given money so they can go to any school of their choosing, whether it be Catholic, Jewish, Protestant, etc.? Uh, no. First of all, religious individuals don’t need to be mixing in matters of state, that’s where things get weird because religious dogma begins to cloud the situation and the next thing you know, just because the Bible says it’s so means it’s a bad thing. Sure enough, next question comes, ‘In regards to abortion, do you consider yourself Pro- life?’. No, because I think people should get to decide what goes on with their own bodies, and if they think their God is pissed at them for doing something, that’s between them and their God.

So I look at Mr. Brady’s beliefs, and sure enough, he supports teaching creationism in Illinois’ schools. In fact, he wants to eliminate the state Board of Education, which is it’s own entity, in favor for a group that reports to the governor. And does what he wants. And now he’s controlling what gets taught in schools and what doesn’t, like yes for creationism but no to abortion and sex education. Uh, no, we want to keep it independent so a group of people can come to a consensus and not let one person dictate docterine.

Meanwhile, Mr. Brady supports Pro-life, and banning all abortion even in cases or rape and incest. So when a 12 year old girl is raped by her uncle and forced to have the baby, that’s okay. But to choose to terminate the pregnancy…that’s not??? Wow, a man telling all women what to do. That is so… neanderthal. You know, If a woman wants to have an abortion, I see that as being one’s inalienable right to themselves. Their body. I wouldn’t do it personally, but I would want to have a say it what goes on in my life. Because it’s my life. And I refuse to argue with people who say it’s murder or it’s a sin, because not you are trying to force your religious beliefs or morality on me. Once again, my choice, my life, my say. Mind your own fucking business. You don’t want to do it because to you it’s murder? Fine, don’t have an abortion. Let’s move on.

The next question is the one that serious pissed me off. ‘Do you support the civil unions between homosexuals, and do you support subjecting our troops in the military to homosexuals in their ranks, on their ships, in their bunks and showers?’ Subjecting? I am someone to be subjected to? Well okay, maybe sometimes, but wow, what a complete and utter prejudicial way to say something. And you know Mr. Brady approved this. Come on, the same man who believes abortion is a sin, and creationism should be taught in public schools, why wouldn’t he believe marriage is only between one man and one woman that man should be able to control? And gays, we are lower people that people are subjected to…hell in 2005, he didn’t think enough of gays that he voted against the ban on discrimination against gays and lesbians. The ban passed, no thanks to him. But as we can see, he doesn’t like being subjected to us, and doesn’t think anyone else should either.

I was never so happy to shout yes in the phone as when I did in response to that biased question.

Afterwards, I talked to my friend Alan on the phone, and we discussed why the Republican party (or for that matter, any political party) tries to front their political advances with a tool like Brady. All it ends up making them look like is extremist that really don’t move the party lines in a positive manner, but rather just asserts to the other side that fear mongering and hatred is the way they are attempting to influence people. Similarly, the movement that says Obama is moving us towards socialism, or that wish him dead have started with politicians who want to move extremist agendas because their failed concept of the American fabric has torn and been soiled and we are now all doomed to be struck down by God for our evil ways. It’s a back and forth battle; One side says something, the other goes to the extreme, then the other reacts in extreme, and so on. Unfortunately, I see most of the pandering and hate mongering from the political conservatives and Republican party. And it’s escalated so much, the hate and severity of it all is now rampant, a happy medium is no longer possible. It’s looked upon as weak or milquetoast. I’m not saying kumbaya and let’s all get along here, but how far away does it look to be a second civil war, where the extreme right and extreme left fracture the country as a whole and everyone hates everyone else?

But I am starting to look beyond my Illinois back yard to the national stage, and I really can’t equate being considered a being to be subjected to as the launch pad for wishing our President dead, now can I? Actually I can. It’s not such an unrealistic leap anymore. Of course, the opposition will deny, and what I will hear is that Brady does not speak for the party as a whole. I mean, he is the candidate that the party has endorsed, and he is the one that will represent if he makes it to office… why wouldn’t I assume he does? Isn’t he the person chosen by the party to represent them in this situation? But I hope that rational and realistic heads will prevail, Brady will not win the election, and this situation never materializes. After all, if he does, I’m not someone he would want to be subjected to. And when thinking like that takes hold and is in charge, I can only know that where it leads is to a very bad place that frankly I don’t want to be subjected to, and neither would you.

Hatred of spewing hate

I’m sure the title of this post have a few people going, huh?

I mean, the irony isn’t lost on me either. I’m a self proclaimed misanthrope, which by definition is a generalized dislike, distrust, disgust, contempt, or hatred of the human species (thanks, Wikipedia). And certainly, I bitch, I moan, I point out folly of the stupidity that is the human species, which is not to say I’m ever perfect. Far from it. I just think it’s more entertaining to pull apart the errors of others ways.

Even if I did ‘hate’ someone, this is my piece of lawn out here in cyberspace for people to view if they wish. A link is posted on my Facebook page for friends to come and read, but other than that, no advertising. No force mandated read or observation to visit. Hell, the most views I’ve ever had is 23 in a day, I think that’s a lot. It’s my opinion, in my quiet corner of the world, and I’m sticking with it.

On the other hand, if I stood outside a naval officer’s funeral with big signs that said “Thank God For Dead Soldiers”, I’m forcing my opinion out into the public. I’m intruding on a captivate audience who are there mourning a fallen soldier/son/daughter/sibling/friend/whomever. I’m chanting aloud “I’m glad he’s dead” or “He deserved to die”, and for those people, trying to sit quietly and deal with the loss of a loved one, they are trapped having to hear this vocal barrage. Free speech? Perhaps, like my blog it is to an extent. But a line has been crossed where the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and religious belief has been boisterously inflicted on an assembled group of people of differing beliefs, and who can’t escape the harassment or pain my beliefs have inflicted on them.

Now I would never ever do this, say that I thank God for dead soldiers. First of all, because I don’t believe that officer serving in the military deserved to die. I may not agree or like war, but sometimes it became a necessary evil that in the country’s history, became a determining factor in our existence and freedom. I support our troops, and mourn their loss. They are doing something that frankly I just don’t have the ability to do. It’s brave and exhausting. I’ve had friends spend tours in Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran. My Grandfather served in WWII, a Sargent, a member of Merrill’s Marauders in Burma. They all defended our country, and I’m proud of them.

Secondly, I don’t believe God or whatever spiritual being a person prays to has any reason to be glad that people are happy other people are dead. I may immensely dislike a person, even wish that karma gets them in the end. And yes I’ve casually may have told someone to be gone before a house dropped on them as well, sometimes in jest, and sometime, in not so good nature of a way . I’ve been mistreated and can’t stand it when some person who thinks they are above another and so blatantly flaunts it doesn’t think their actions don’t impact the feelings of others. To be deliberately rude, hurtful or inflict pain in the name of one’s God or simply for the sheer bliss it brings is narcissistic and frankly sociopathic. And that person certainly does not worship the benevolent all loving God that Christians were raised to believe in and whose son died for us so that we could eat ham this Sunday and celebrate Easter (well, maybe not just eat ham, but you know what I mean). This is also why I have such an immense dislike of religion as an organization, sects and churches and buildings rather than the sheer joy that it supposedly brings. It’s all been bastardized by people like the Catholic church and, in extreme, Phelps. I don’t need someone telling me what to believe or how I need to believe it. But that’s a whole other post.

So no, I would never do what that unconscionable man Fred Phelps did outside of Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder’s funeral, which caused his father and family so much distress. And Mr. Phelp’s Westboro Baptist Church does this at many military funerals, at GLBT events and parades, and at Matthew Shepherd’s funeral. Basically they do this because they say God takes delight in the death of these soldiers, defending our nation, because homosexuality has ravaged the US and we are all going to pay for it. Yes, that is actually their platform. But Albert Snyder had enough, and sued and won against the fundamentalist church for the emotional strain and stress they inflicted at his son’s funeral. He won, too. But of course, in our fair and equitable justice system, the ruling was overturned pending Supreme Court interference, and now Mr. Snyder is being told, as a result, he has to pay Westboro’s legal fees. So not only has a man who’s son serving our military and government lost his life in a war for this nation, but that same government turned around and said, sorry, even though those people upset you, attacked your son, said he deserved to die, they have a right to harass you during your moment of utmost grief, force you to listen to their hateful chants that haunt your dreams, and now you have to pay for their court costs.

Completely fair, right? Fuck that.

To merely say the deliberate spewing of hatred is wrong is a criminal understatement in a situation like this. Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist ‘church’, you are all a bunch of sociopaths. You wish people dead, you say God Hates Fags, you say Thank God for IEDS (improvised explosive devices, used mainly in suicide bombings and road side bombs in the current war), and call military funerals pagan and blasphemous. My head literally wants to explode at this. My immense dislike wants to boil over into hatred. I want to scream, to cry, to hit, to sue, even kill this bastard. To have such an inconsequential repulsion for a human life almost turns me murderous. And to most rational human beings, it should. Hell, even Bill O’Reilly thinks Phelps is a tool.

But then I have remorse. I feel sorry for this man. He’s pathetic. I mean, look at him for starters, he’s practically the Crypt Keeper.

Basically, when he does die, and mercifully may it be soon for the rest of us, he’s going to be in for a nasty surprise if he thinks he’s going to be shown the gates of heaven by his God. Frankly, I have him pegged for the his eternity walking with his head twisted backwards on his body around with the rest of the false prophets and frauds in Dante’s eighth circle of Hell, but where in the Inferno he may reside can be argued.

What it all comes down to is this: I’m appalled at what Fred Phelps stands for and believes in. His right to believe, yes, even as misguided and stupid of a belief that it is. His right to say his opinion, yes. But his right to inflict pain and cheer murder and hatred and celebrate it? No. To force people to endure it in the way they did, while attending a funeral, is abuse of his right to free speech. This man stands for everything that is the opposite of what this nation stands for, and to let him win another battle like this is disgusting. And for him to do it in the name of God… I do not know what God you worship, but I do not remember reading in the Bible to celebrate murder and hate people because they are different. What book are you reading? What it fosters is more hatred, and more acceptance and indifference to this hatred. To spew hate just for the pleasure of spewing it should be just as repulsive to you as it is to me.

Bits and pieces of the past week

Just some random things floating around my head recently:

-The situation surrounding Constance McMillen and her school district’s controversial decision of canceling her senior prom in Jackson, Mississippi is absurd. It’s plain and simple retaliation against the teen, and it’s been very effective. ‘Thanks for ruining my senior year,’ is the type of comments she’s now getting as she’s returned to school, after the school district, rather than reverse an archaic rule that a prom date must be of the opposite sex, decided to cancel the event. She’s now been made a pariah, thrust into a hostile environment, because the school district decided to play hard ball and rather than step into the 21st century, stay in the 1950s.

-On the flip side of the gay movement, the first gays were legally married in DC this week. The cover of the Washington Post featured one of the happy couples smooching. As a result, about a dozen of subscribers ended up calling and canceling their subscription out of disgust. Maybe as a gay man I should start doing that to every mainstream paper that shows a straight couple on the cover kissing. I mean, it makes logical sense, right? Maybe it really still is the 1950’s in some people’s minds.

-Sean Hayes finally comes out of the closet to himself and to the surprise of no one I know, and gets pissed because the Advocate chastised him for not being honest sooner. You know what Sean, why don’t you and Just Jack go back into your own little world. I mean, you played an out and proud (and often over the top and childish) gay man on Will & Grace, for which you won an Emmy. But seeing that you haven’t had a career since W&G ended, I can see why you felt coming out now makes sense. ‘I’m still here, and guess what? Im gay!’ Please, I knew that 10 years ago when I saw pics of you and your ex-boyfriend Steve (an acquaintance of mine). You weren’t fooling anyone then. I just don’t understand why you had to deny it like it was something to be ashamed of. Get over yourself.

– The Oscars have come and gone for another year, and just a few (okay, 10) notes on the whole show:
1. First of all, what happened to “And the Oscar goes to…”? What was with “and the winner is” bullshit?
2. The whole Farrah and Bea Arthur exclusion from the In Memoriam… come on folks, they were best known for their television star power. Now if this were the Primetime Emmys and they were cut for Brittany Murphy, then I’d understand. But It wasn’t an intentional snub. Although I just do not understand why Michael Jackson managed to make the cut. The man was many things- musician, music video pioneer, dancer, father, freak, you get the idea- but I forget the part when he was a film star. And This Is It and The Wiz do NOT count.
3. Sandra Bullock won Best Actress. It was her Julia Roberts moment. Suck it up folks, it was inevitable. And she looked flawless. And didn’t you love her final thank you to her lover Meryl? Classic.

4. Yay to the Hurt Locker and Kathryn Bigelow for their big wins. Come on, Avatar was good, but it wasn’t Best Picture.
5. The crazy bitch who hijacked the Best Documentary Short speech… umm, you don’t like giving up control, do you? Even when you were removed from the project, and were told by the publicist that only the director was supposed to speak, you had to scurry up there and butt in and open your loud, crazy mouth. Freak.

6. Thank you Academy for none of the best original song performances, but what was up with that interpreted dance bit for original score? Worst. Idea. Ever.
7. Kathy Ireland on the Red Carpet. Train wreck. Seriously, did you see that freaky pose?
8. I think I was the only person to dig the horror film homage, especially since they started off with Jaws. But some of the choices of clips for horror film, like Edward Scissorhands? Um, really?
9. Sarah Jessica Parker is not looking very good these days. Bad dress, caked on make-up, scraggily hair. One can chalk it up to the new twins, but as my partner Rick put it, ‘Where are her gays? They should be fired for letting her go out like that.’ And on that same note, every time someone walked out looking not so hot, Rick would pipe up, ‘ooh, she has bad gays, dressing her in that.’ Made for great couch commentary.
10. Although it doesn’t have anything to do with the Oscars… at least this year. Wall Street 2 just got moved to a September release. Looks like Ollie Stone is gunning for some Oscar loving next year.

– I’m a week late on this, but Kathy Griffin on Law & Order: SVU, was…and I’m a huge fan of hers too…kind of a let down. She just did not look or feel natural at all during the entire episode. It was as if her character was written in as the annoying foil for the episode. I was bummed.

-What was that tragic thing that Emilio sent down the runway last week on Project Runway? And how the hell did he not get sent home for that?

– Mariah Carey and Mo’Nique in Precious were both FIERCE. AMAZING.

– Corey Haim, dead at 38 of a drug overdose. Sad.

– Rod Blagovich on The Celebrity Apprentice. Sadder.

– Buzz Aldrin on Dancing With The Stars. Huh?

-Spring weather is finally arriving. Pretty damn exciting.

Okay, now discuss.

An ode to Todd Stroger

Dear Todd,
We, the people of Cook County, IL, would like to thank you for ruining our lives over the past four years.
It was the usual Chicago machine antics that got you where you are today. You were appointed to a dead alderwoman’s spot. You couldn’t even get elected then. And it was nepotism that you exploited to take over for your incapacitated father, to employee your cousin and then give her a $17000 raise. Then you contradicted yourself, by arguing for county wide cuts to ensure fiscal responsibility: sure, cut at the sheriff’s and states attorney’s office, but give good ol’ cuz a raise.
But the blasphemy of blasphemies was when you insisted on raising sales tax to 10.25% in Chicago. To fill the coffers and kill the deficit, you said. Well, we still have a deficit, and the tax has only gone on to be a sore spot for anyone in Chicago. You cut us at the core, and tried to snub those who argued against it. You vetoed two attempts at repealing the tax, only to make us hate you more. And in a time of such economic struggle, you just ended up twisting the knife oh that much more.
Then you had the nerve to say you’d run again, and when you won, would thank, first and foremost, your self. Are you fucking kidding me? Are you for real? The gall! The absolute insanity! It was the last straw.
Thankfully, it took all of this and a bit of ringing from the clue phone for those blinded by your father’s name to see you for the idiot you are. And while I’m amazed that 13% of Cook county still voted for you, I’m glad a majority spoke, and you will no longer be in office come the end of 2010. Many of those running for your office have already said the first thing they are going to do is undo everything you screwed up. Too little, too late, sadly, but at least someone is going to try to clean up the mess.
So Todd, I am here to say congrats on the loss. It could not have happened to a bigger douche. May you rot in hell, and be glad you didn’t end up at the bottom of the Chicago River. More fun for the rest of us, but hey, if you can’t burn the witch, well then, be happy with being able to tell said witch to get the fuck out of dodge. And please, at least let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. We could all use the laugh.
With much disdain and loathing, your pal,