20 things about me

I recently posted this list on my Facebook. It’s one of those things, like the questions about yourself that float around ones email box, that makes one stop and think when presented to you. Sometimes they can be trite and fun, but this one made me really think and so I decided to move ahead, no holds bar, and open up.  I thought  to share to those not Facebook inclined:

1. I am true to my Sagittarius sign. In fact you open an astrological book, and nest to the description of Sagittarius is a picture of me. I am adventurous, flirtatious, and I say what is on my mind and damn the consequences. It’s liberating and yet troublesome all at the same time. I am my own conundrum.

2. I tend to be a source of random and sometimes useless pop culture knowledge. It comes in handy at parties, or when playing Trivial Pursuit. If in doubt, ask Alan and Erin Fleetwood about ‘The Bluest Eye’.

3. I am extremely passionate about music, and extraordinarily opinionated… meaning that when I think something is artistically is impressive, I am 100% behind it. If I think it’s less than worthy, it’s garbage. ie: Radiohead= genius; Kanye West= trash.

4. Okay the last point was a bit skewed since Kanye West is an asshole, so let me give a better example: Radiohead= genius; Britney Spears= not even close.

5. I am very organized, I love structure. Everything needs to have a system for me. I can work with the structure of something that has been established, but feel more empowered when I can add to it and tweak it for the better.

6. I’m always right. even when I’m wrong, I’m right on some level. At least I need to keep that thought in my head, or else i get discouraged. unfortunately, when I am wrong, it just ends up pissing me off.

7. I split the difference between savory and sweet. There are times that salty, buttery popcorn would rock the boat for me, and then there are times that noting but dark chocolate would console me.

8. I despise ignorance. I find it unfortunate that our society tolerates ignorance in people, whether it’s in politics, racial or sexual equality, or in social standing.

9. People who are rude because they believe they are better than everyone else need to be slapped. By me. With a wire hanger.

10. I wish I was funnier than I am. I feel like I can be witty, but not as spontaneously as I wish I was.

11. I am an empathizer… I feel the joy and the pain. I have a difficult time separating myself from the situation. Some people have told me that this is a detriment… I find it makes me a more human, related person.

12.I envy. period. There are so many of my friends that have what i don’t, and I envy that. Not to say i’m not happy with who I am and what I have. I am. but the perfectionist in me wants it all.

13.My two favorite periods from history are the ancient Roman Empire and Tudor/Elizabethan England. I find these eras fascinating, and my appetite is insatiable for knowledge about them.

14. On the same token, if I could travel anywhere in the world, the Mediterranean and England would be top of my list. My dream vacations.

15. My three favorite movies of all time are as eclectic as I am: Jaws, Halloween (the 70’s original with Jamie Lee), and American Beauty.

16. I am a hopeless romantic at heart.

17. I love good food and cooking. I just wish my metabolism would offset the weight I gain from enjoying them.

18. I do enjoy a drink… or 2… or 8… with my friends. Or whenever. I like alcohol. Particularly a good beer, or tequila shots, or Gin and Tonic. Sue me. As the magnet on my fridge says, ‘I’m really not a social drinker. I’d say most of my drinking is work related.’

19. Despite all of the complaining and what not, I am comfortable in my own skin. I just think that the questioning and everything else keeps me human. Which is a good thing, because androids all looks so pasty.

20.I am one of the few people in the world, that despite all of my bitterness, anger, and jadedness, wishes that everyone would just accept everyone else for who they are and just get along. It’s not naive, just wishful thinking. and there’s nothing wrong with that, right?