When it all goes wrong

It just seemed to be one of those days today. Just one thing after another.

In the midst of cleaning up this morning, I thought I accidentally shredded $200 worth of MBV tix. I nearly freaked. They were there one second, gone the next. I was frantic, tossing papers left and right. I ended up cleaning the office twice, and was swearing up a storm the entire time. After an hour of searching, I finally found them…thank god. I can’t afford to throw shit like that away.

But now I was late for work, so I called to say I was running behind, and had to take an muy expensive cab. This $1 extra for gas is bullshit…

Then my new shoes, not even a month old, ripped. So I had to make a quick stop at the store before work so I could get them exchanged, which was for the most part painless…Until I forgot my umbrella there and had to run the two blocks back from work to get it.

I walked into the store , and ended up having to spend an extra 5 minutes in the back room just breathing deeply and trying to regain composure whilst mopping my sweaty mess of my forhead down. Ack. The girls just looked at me like I was a lunatic. I was fine after a moment, but you would have thought I had lost my mind.

Work was mind numbingly slow today too. The worst was having to interact with indecisive people.  I spent nearly an hour with a customer and had them all rung up, until they suddenly changed their mind and decided to wait because they felt they were spending too much. Pissed me off. They just think these things come with all of the necessary accessories included, and that just isn’t so. I was trying to sell them anything ridiculous, just a must haves… completely needed, nothing extravagant. But then jackass whipped out his iPhone (I fucking hate iPhone and anything Apple related) and tried to show me our website when all of these things were included. Once I showed him a DVD does note mean memory card, he backed down a bit, and then had to think about it. Hi you need those things, and shit doesn’t come for free! WTF!?!

On lunch, I realized I had forgotten to buy my nephew a birthday card. Card stores suck, nothing was too my liking. I did manage to find something cool…

Then I had to call mom and ask her to pick up a nice gift for him. She thought ahead and did so, after she reminded me that I never got one of the other boys a birthday or christening gift. Fuck… and I hope my brother doesn’t read this and find out I’m a bad uncle to his kids. And it’s tough, since I was missing nearly 7 hours off of my paycheck, which has been smaller since I left Nokia. Did I mention Nokia bites for dicking me over?

Ergh, and this moron I work with… fucking lazy git. He needs to go away. One of the girls laughed at me, noting how I made no effort to hide my disdain for him. If I was his manager, his ass would be gone already.

And what about this annoying use of the horn by the bus driver? I swear he honked at something every single block. Bicyclists, pedestrian, dogs on the curb, other cars that were not remotely in his way. Geez how aggrivating. Really, do you think it’s necessary to have to lean on the horn? You’re like thos drivers who have no business to be behind the car wheel blowing on a horn because a split second passed from when the light turned green to when the car in front of them starts moving. I wanted to poke him in the eye with the tip of my umbrella… which I just now realized I left at work. Please let it not rain tomorrow.

Aw fuck it, I need a drink.