Shut UP!!!

I’ve been gone a while. I’ve had a bit to deal with and sort out, so sorry. But I have a small rant I must get off my chest.
I get on the bus on Monday to go to my friends house, and the woman who boarded right in front of me struck up a conversation with the driver. A loud conversation. About how great her 30 day CTA pass was. And why the $20 pass would leave her stranded. And that’s why the 30 day pass was so great. And that it expired at 2:44pm that afternoon. And how she was so glad her friend told her about the 30 day pass. And so on. It was riding with a loud, obnoxious and completely socially unaware Miss Daisy.
Okay, great you found some convenience in your sad life lady, but telling the bus driver and everyone else on the bus about it at the top of your lungs is not necessary, nor welcome. For that matter, you are not even supposed to talk to the driver protractedly, as it could risk an accident. On she went, from the moment she boarded at Elmdale all the way down Broadway. The best part: the driver was encouraging the conversation, and kept talking to the lady.
Finally as the bus approached Foster, and after a brief moment when we thought she had nothing more to say, she kicked right back in to the 30 day pass love fest. I had sat silent for 15 minutes, but frustrated and annoyed, I let loose a very loud ‘eeeeNOUGH! SHUT UP!’ And yet, the only acknowledgment I received from this woman was her outstretched hand, as if she was saying ‘oh no, I’m not done, be quiet now’. She gave me the hand. And she finished her ramble to the bus driver! The bitch!
After she finished, the bus driver asked if there was a problem, and Miss Daisy herself turned around and asked the same thing. I simply said that the loud conversation was distracting, inappropriate in volume and I didn’t like that it was interfering with my bus ride. Then the guy sitting one seat behind me, who was also quite annoyed at the woman and her loud talking, chimed in “And you’re not supposed to talk to the driver for safety reasons. So stop talking.”
The woman looks at both of us, and then simply stated, ‘I’m sorry you two are having a bad day, but I can talk to whomever I want.”
At this moment I was losing it. I blurted back, “Not when it’s distracting to the rest of the riders. I don’t care about your 30 day pass, I don’t want to listen to you go on about it anymore!”
“Are you done?” she haughtily remarked back.
“Are YOU done?” was my snappish retort.
“Are you done?” was her reply.
I was. I stood up, as we finally reached Foster and had stopped, spat sharply “Fuck you, I’ve had it, I’ll walk,” and stomped my way off the bus. As I looked to the driver, who seemed completely oblivious about why there may be some angry passengers, I stopped and asked “What is your number?”, pointing to her shoulder where her driver’s number was. She looked at me, turned her shoulder away from me, and pointed to the front of the bus with a curt ‘it’s there.’ All the while, Miss Daisy was now screeching unintelligibly, loud enough I could hear her half a block down as I walked away.
So to miss loud and obnoxious on the 36 Broadway bus on Monday, May 31 at 1:04pm heading southbound, with driver number R285 egging you on, I say shut the hell up. And to the CTA, who after I left a message to voice my complaint about this whole fiasco, and they never called back, I say fuck you. You don’t care that some screeching crazy was distracting one of your drivers, causing a commotion, and annoyed other passengers. The driver didn’t care that she was violating CTA safety guidelines designed to protect the rest of us. And you obviously can’t be bothered to contact a customer who voiced a concern and complaint because it would look too much like you actually cared about what the rider/customer thinks.
Oh yeah, and you owe me $30 for new sandals since I ruined mine having to walk in the rain because of this whole fiasco. I’ll be expecting the check in the mail.

Intentionally Rude

I don’t enjoy working Sunday mornings, which thankfully will not be an issue in about a week. But it’s my last week at my current job, and I need to review a bunch of admin stuff with the team before I leave. So Sunday is a necessity.

The commute was quite for the most part. A strange and creepy mix of people are out at 9
am Sunday morning. There’s the church goers,the random couple making out on the platform (Get a room!), the drunks stumbling home from last night, and the working class like me.

And then there are just some rude people.

As I departed from the Davis Street station this morning, I headed for the south door. As I approached, I saw an older guy approaching as well. But as pushed to open the door, the guy, after watching me for a beat, ripped the same door open, pushed his way past me, and stepped on my foot, all in a way that really looked and felt deliberate.

I, naturally, was pissed. ‘Uh, excuse me, what the fuck is your problem?’ I exclaimed.

His reaction? ‘Oh, nice language, I hope you are proud of yourself,’ he smirked.

But I wasn’t done. I was wronged here, and my foot is throbbing. ‘Umm, you saw me opening the door, you pushed through, and stepped on my foot. What’s the problem??!’

No reply, just a smirk.

In a moment of fantasy, I imagined taking my grocery bag with my lunch in it and swinging it, clocking him across the smug looking face. But restraint took over. So I just issued a terse ‘Go fuck yourself’ and headed to work.

Yeah, my Sunday best language wasn’t appropriate, but neither was stepping on my foot and shoving your way past me when you see I’m exiting a building. Not to mention, these are double doors, but he chose to yank open the exact door I was pushing open to exit through. He was deliberately being rude. And of course, tried to act superior by reprimanding me for my obscenities.

Should have let my fantasy take over. The thought of food splattered all over that smug face is so fulfilling. I guess I hope karma does the job for me.