A Decade In Music, part 6: 2007

We’re in the final stretch of my trip down melody and noise lane as I share and expound some of my favorite music bits from the past decade, year by year.

It’s was only 2 short years ago that I wrote the following list and shared it with my friends. It was a pretty spectacular year in music: Radiohead did the unthinkable, said fuck you to the labels and released ‘In Rainbows’ all on their own. MIA’s Kala was named Rolling Stone’s Album of the Year, and this was still months before ‘Paper Planes’ REALLY took off and the whole Slumdog Millionaire phenom. The Fiest/ iPod commercials were everytime you turned on the TV, while Peter, Bjorn and John got a big push when ‘Young Folks’ popped up on Grey’s Anatomy. And then there was the freak show that was Of Montreal, that released a brilliant and mindblowing concept album about love and depression. Pretty damn good year, definitely one of the best of the decade.

So once again, with only one more year left before we hit this year’s list, I bring you Flashback: 2007.


jon’s best of 2007

1. Radiohead, In Rainbows
2. Of Montreal, Hissing Fauna Are You the Destroyer?
3. Arcade Fire, Neon Bible
4. LCD Soundsystem, Sound of Silver
5. MIA, Kala
6. Interpol, Our Love to Admire
7. Feist, The Reminder
8. Nine Inch Nails, Year Zero
9. Stars, In Our Bedroom After the War
10. The Sea & Cake, Everybody
11. Bloc Party, A Weekend in the City
12. Lily Allen, Alright Still
13. !!!, Myth Takes

We Were Born the Mutants Again with Leafling, Of Montreal
All My Friends, LCD Soundsystem
All I Need, Radiohead
Object of My Affections, Peter Bjorn and John
Songs for Clay (Disappear Here), Bloc Party
Neon Bible, Arcade Fire
1234, Feist
Love Today, Mika
Umbrella, Rihanna
The Beat Goes On, Madonna
Black Mirror, Arcade Fire
God Given, Nine Inch Nails
Knock Em Out, Lily Allen
Do It Right, the Go! Team
Atlas, Battles
Paper Planes, MIA
Australia, the Shins
The Weight of The World, the Editors
The Night Starts Here, Stars
No I in Threesome, Interpol
Is There a Ghost, Band of Horses
Pictures Of You, The Last Goodnight
Fucked Up Kid, Kevin Drew
Someone Great, LCD Sounsystem
She’s A Rejecter, Of Montreal
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi, Radiohead
I Feel It All, Feist
Young Folks, Peter Bjorn and John

Best Track Not from this Year:
Ceremony (Joy Division cover from Webcast), Radiohead

The WHY, or WTF Award:
Smashing Pumpkins, Zeitgiest

When bad discs happen to good Artist:
Tie: Underworld, Oblivion with Bells/ The Chemical Brothers, We Are The Night

Overrated, or Sick of it by February Award:
Amy Winehouse, Back to Black

Next time… we’ll step back just a year ago and remember what made 2008 so great.