No debate, McCain is an idiot

I hate to mix into politics, but have to bitch about the naivety of Republicans and the fantasy land they live in.

I find it so amazing that McCain fans are living in denial in thinking that he won the debate. I mean, did they watch the same thing I did? You know, the feeble old man who wouldn’t even look at Barack Obama as if he were Medusa and one glance would turn him to stone. It was pathetic. He didn’t sound self assured, he refused to acknowledge Obama at all, and he certainly didn’t look like a President… more like one of those old geezers that sat in the balcony on the Muppet Show. A complete boob.

The opinion polls further support that Obama won the debate overall by a margin of 51-38. And why not. He was clear and concise, spoke eloquently, and did not mock McCain like McCain did him. And he actually looked like a President-confident and strong, which is what we need.

Now what i can’t wait for is to watch Joe Biden eat Sarah Palin for lunch- and dinner- during the VP debates. that should be comedic. Hell, Palin should just get it over with a send Tina Fey in her place. Fey would probably do a better job.