#1 and Ready To Start

In honor of having ‘The Suburbs’ debut at number 1 one Billboard’s Top 200 album chart this week, and for having from what I hear a triumphant closing set at Lollapalooza this past weekend (fuck Soundgarden and Chris Cornell’s constipated screaming, by the way), I’m posting some more Arcade Fire. This was filmed at Madison Square Garden last week by Terry Gilliam for a webcast. Enjoy.

and as a bonus, from Funeral….

Arcade Fire- new music you should love

Arcade Fire debuts their third album, The Suburbs, next week, but if you’ve been lucky enough to preview it, it’s pretty fucking amazing. My friend Alan and I have been commenting on how much stronger it is than Neon Bible, and seems like a great continuation from their masterpiece, Funeral.
The disc is definitely a collection of snapshots of suburban life and observations captured in sound. The music itself seems more lush and surprisingly electronic than their previous efforts.
A favorite in my book is the new wave-esque Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains), featuring RĂ©gine Chassagne on lead vocals. While my previously posted We Used To Wait still rocks, this is definitely music you should love. Or Else.