Down with the writer's strike!

Like a child throwing a temper tantrum when they don’t get their way, so is the Hollywood writers who continue this strike.

At first, I was all for it… when I thought it would last only two to three weeks, like the Broadway union strike. Hell yes, you should get the residuals from DVD sales, animated shows and online webcasts! Fight for your right to get paid properly!

That was 2 1/2 months ago.

Last night, after Rick and I watched what was the final episode of Criminal Minds for this season, Rick marveled at how short our list of TiVo ‘d shows is. “See, we’re keeping up, there’s not much to watch,” he said.

‘That’s because there ISN’T anything left on TV to watch that’s new,” I replied.

Already, because negotiations continue to falter, the rest of this season and even the Fall ’08 TV season is pretty much ruined. Thousands of people are jobless. So far, reports state that the cost this strike has on the entertainment industry is over $1 billion. In an already faltering economy, this is just plain wasteful.

So I don’t know who to be mad at… the AMPTP or the WGA. The AMPTP, like the bully parents they try to be, has said that negotiations won’t continue until the strike subsides, while the WGA continues to act that the spoiled child not getting his way,  so he will ruin every one else’s time.

My concern? Well of course I miss my TV shows. Don’t you? And while I enjoy my share of Top Chef and Project Runway, the idea of having to watch shows like Farmer takes a Wife is distressing. Won’t happen, sorry. So far daytime has not been affected, at least in what I’ve seen… yes I watch General Hospital, shut up… but how long until those shows begin to suffer. But at the worse, I fear that the Oscars will be postponed, or even more tragically, relegated to some terrible broadcast like the Golden Globes were subjected to.

And don’t give me a line about stop crying, or read a book, because a) I do read, and have been reading a historical tome on the life of Elizabeth I, ¿y tu?, and b) you know damn well if this affected the Super Bowl, people would be rioting in the damn streets. Sorry but this strike is not an equal opportunity offender on all avenues.

So while I vent, the negotiation table is still silent, and soon so will my TV.